Monday, June 9, 2008

First Day Done!

Our first state crossing: Sonia at the Idaho border

Crossing the bridge to Sandpoint, trying to beat the storm

Monday,June 9, 2008

Blogging from the Sandpoint, Idaho Public Library (I wonder if Benjamin Franklin could have even guessed in his wildest imaginings that one day someone would be able to not only use libraries to check out materials, but also as a virtual publishing house. Thanks, Ben!)

Before heading out from Walla Walla this morning I went up to Safeway to get a newspaper. We knew that an article was going to be in the paper about our trip, but never guessed it would be the front page, top half! I had four copies with me in the check out lane. As the checker scanned them she was looking at the paper. "Humm," she muttered. It was obvious she was looking at the story about the ride. When I asked her what she was remarking about, she said "This story on the front page." What she left out of the sentence was "...about these crazy people dragging their kids across the country on tandems!"

We reached Newport, Washington at about 2 and were finally on the bikes by about 3 PM. the ride consisted of mostly rolling hills all the way to Sandpoint. Everyone did fine, but it was great to get to the motel.

At one point along the way I was thinking about the time, the miles we needed to get done before it got dark, and not really into the ride. Until Gus gave out a loud "Wow!" and pointed into a field, where a great blue herron was about to land. We slowed down and everyone took in the graceful descent of the bird. I realized, for the first time while on the trip, why we were doing this. These moments of clarity, however brief, and possibly fleeting as we struggle up the next hill or mountain pass, bring everything into focus. It might be too much to ask for one a day, but it would certainly be great!

Along the route to Sandpoint I noticed a grinding noise coming from the rear bottom bracket of my bike . I had it checked out at a great bike shop here in Sandpoint (Outdoor Experience; Steve the mechanic is great). The verdict: a new bottom bracket is needed. Unfortunately, no one in town has the right size. I called ahead to Whitefish, Montana (we should be there on Friday). They will have one ready to install. The current bottom bracket is usable, but probably not for very long. Certainly it is not something we want to fail in the middle of North Dakota!

Today we are off to Bull River Campground (about 49 miles). Steve in the bike shop said it is a beautiful ride, and we are all looking forward to getting back in the saddle (always a good sign!).

Today's thank yous:

Steve at Outdoor Experience
The Sandpoint Public Library


Sonia and Gus eat at the bar at Richards in Sandpoint

A sign of the times


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you and your family are enjoying the ride doc.
take care

Anonymous said...

Glad you guys are off to a good start! I tried to call last week to say goodbye, but I know it was a busy time. Hope all is going well. We're planning our trip to the Coeur D'Alene rails to trails. Sounds like fun. Right now part of it is washed out...hope it's fixed by late June. 2 1/2 more days of school. I can't wait. Take it easy,


Anonymous said...

PS. I love the sign with the gas prices. Guess that's one thing you don't have to worry about on this trip, eh? Say Hi to Dad and please ask him what he wants for his 70th birthday. "I have everything I need" will not be accepted!


Anonymous said...

hi guys.i have spent the day with a cranky three year old in my actual life. i am with you in my other life. love you, judie
we have been watcing the weather and keeping our fingers crossed

Anonymous said...

We're having a lot of fun following your path each day. Looks like Thursday will be along a reservoir? Hope all is going well. It's freezing in Oregon. Hope you're staying warm in Montana!


Joe Hubbard said...

I saw you at the bike shop in Sandpoint while on vacation and got you blog address from Steve. Now back in Phoenix Az will continue to follow the family progress. Best of luck and God bless.


Anonymous said...

Rain is horrid while camping- I would know! Each morning while I co camping the frost inside the tent turns to water or something and we get trickles of water!! TO BE BIKING IN WORSE WETNESS!!!!

Everyone, you have my sympathy!!
