Saturday, August 16, 2008

Photos, New Hampshire

Very nice Pastures Campground, Orford, NH.

Mosquito-free place to read after 65 miles in four-and-a-half hours. Without the bob trailer (aka The Anchor), they are traveling almost twice as fast.

Dan and Gus skipping rocks on the Erie Canal.

You've got to REALLY want to go. The owner refers to this as "the phone booth."

Dan and Randy discuss bike chains and karma in Dunnville, Ontario.


Terri said...

Hi all- It has been in the 100s in WW the past few days. Rigth now, at 3 p.m. it is 103....It's suppose to cool down to 80s and
90s later this week- with possible rain on Wed.

Stay cool and dry- Best wishes for anniversary and birthday celebrations!

Hugs from Terri in WW

Becky said...

So...was the camera IN the portapotty? I'm confused...